Our mission is to build community awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the value of cultural diversity in Hancock County & the surrounding area.

Actor Bokeem Woodbine

Bokeem Woodbine on "Fargo"

Maya Angelou, poet & civil rights activist

American classical composer George Walker

Angela Basset as Athena Grant on "911"

Actress Angela Basset on Rosa Parks

Artist Alma Thomas

Anthony Mackie as Captain America

Actor Anthony Mackie

Anthony Mackie as Tupac Shakur

Science fiction author Octavia Butler

"Sugar Shack" by Ernie Barnes

Jazz pianist Oscar Peterson
The vision of the Black Heritage Library & Multicultural Center is to promote hope, harmony and unity among people of different races, ethnic backgrounds
and cultural heritage.
In July of 2023, WBGU,
Bowling Green's PBS TV station, featured the BHLMC on
"Scenic Stops & Stories."
Check out the video, see what the
Black Heritage Library & Multicultural Center is all about,
and be inspired!
Founded in 1982, the Black Heritage Library & Multicultural Center (BHLMC) is a treasure chest of cultural memorabilia, art items, and antiques. Winning numerous awards, today’s Black Heritage Library & Multicultural Center is a vibrant multicultural lending library and teaching museum with art items and artifacts from over 50 countries. We offer specialized cultural programs and events, speaking engagements and private tours. The BHLMC is a leading pioneer in multicultural education in Northwest Ohio and a one-of-a-kind multicultural, multidimensional resource center in the United States.
The Center serves to culturally enrich and improve lives in Ohio’s communities. This is accomplished through the library’s programs and outreach services to schools and colleges, various organizations, faith-based entities, businesses and the public at large.
In 1997 the Black Heritage Library & Multicultural Center unveiled the Smithsonian’s internationally acclaimed exhibit of the esteemed and highly accomplished Red Tails - the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. You’ve seen the Lucasfilm “Red Tails” movie...now come visit the Center to see the actual photographs and chronological journey of those highly skilled courageous fighter pilots. The Center is the only library or museum in the world awarded the Smithsonian's "Black Wings" Exhibit which features African American aviators from WWII to the Space Shuttle program!
The Center showcases the works of area and widely known artists, changing exhibits, historical memorabilia and global art items and artifacts. The Center and its founder are the recipients of over 15 awards including the prestigious "Governor's Award" for Outstanding Arts Outreach.
Other awards/recognitions include:
* Jaycees Distinguished Service Award
* Ohio tourism publications
* Gleaner’s Citizen of the Year Award
* Area TV Stations and Newspaper
* On Behalf of Youth Award, Camp Fire USA
* Recognized on BET and Time Warner Cable
* Red Apple Awards from Findlay City Schools
* Rotary & Lion’s Club Distinguished Service Award
* Woman of the Year Award from the Findlay Beta Sigma Phi Council
* The Dr. Martin Luther King Peacemaker Award from the King Committee in Tiffin
* Outstanding Arts Organization Award from the Arts Partnership
* The Chamber’s Distinguished Service Award through Hancock Leadership
* Features in various business publications and newsletters
* Featured in Findlay Mall’s Promotional Ads Campaign
* GSW Manufacturing’s exclusive recipient in 2002 to receive full sponsorship for a 2-week visit to and cultural enrichment of Japan
Our Board
John F. Kostyo, Chair
Profession: Attorney
Member since January 2008
Harrison Phillips, Vice Chair
Profession: Retired Military
Member since January 2016
John Simmons, Treasurer
Profession: Internal Audit (Marathon)
Member since December 2013
Jerome Gray, Interim Executive Director
Profession: Accounting – Retired
Member since December 2007
Robert Schuck
Profession: Attorney
Member since 2014
Nicole Smith, Secretary
Profession: Case Manager at Hope House
Member since October 2022